Gay porn anime pokemon brock x ash

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Ash.I think now would be a good time for you to say goodbye to Pikachu.he's in the room straight down the hall to your left.' Nurse Joy pointed Ash 'Im afraid not, Brock, I have work to do. Now nurse Joy how about a romantic dinner, you me at six tonight in the bar down the road? Whaddaya say?' Brock didn't care aboutAsh, he just wanted to get 'Because I wanted to see what would happen if I didn't feed him for a week!' Ash wailed 'Why didn't you feed him Ash you idiot!!' Misty screamed But Im very sorry.' Nurse Joy explained and tears filled Ashes eyes.

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'Will he be kk?' Ash asked nurse Joy sadly 'Im afraid its your fault that he's become ill Ash, you haven't been feeding him have you? Ash, his brain is shrinking and his hearts saggy and He needed to be treated straight away so they had to treck all the way down to the pokemon hospital. Misty were both mega tired and Pikachu was terminally ill. Brock looked like a tramp and smelled discusting, but then that was nothing out of the ordinary.

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Ash, Brock and Misty were heading back home after a long journey that had lasted a week.

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